What is Jenkins ?

Shobhit Singh Pal
2 min readMar 12, 2021

Jenkins: Engine of DevOps

Agenda of the Story:

  • Before Jenkins
  • What is Jenkins?
  • What is continuous Integration?

Before Jenkins

Before Jenkins, many development teams employed a nightly build as part of their software delivery process. The nightly build process required teams to commit their code to the source code repository at a certain cut-off time each day. This was even more of a challenge when working with geographically dispersed teams. A nightly build time of say, 11 pm PST would equate to 12:30 PM IST in India.

So, developers in India would be forced to commit their code in the middle of the day and then wait for the “nightly” build to run, affecting their productivity. Then, once the build completed, the development teams would often be faced with the question of, “Who broke the build?”. At this point, the development teams would scramble to determine who’s commit broke the build and the finger-pointing would begin. There had to be a better way.

What is Jenkins?

It is a continuous Integration Server. Basically, what is does is, it can be configured to runs tests each time there is a change to code base. In this case when build breaks, the developer can be immediately notified to take corrective action. This puts to rest the question of “Who broke to build?” as it is easy to determine which commit caused the build to fail.
It is built on Java so it is a 100% cross-platform tool.

What is Continuous Integration?

Continuous Integration is nothing but process of converting your source code into a compilation process so that it generates an artifacts.

Simple definition of Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository at regular intervals.

Continuous Integrations allows developers to develop application continuously.

Jenkins CI Architecture

In companies Production has speed up with Jenkins. Earlier Developers had to wait for the IT guys Tests results as so as for debugging But with Jenkins from source code compilation to its deployment everything has been automated.

