Ansible playbook and different os variable files
Ansible playbook provides the RAL(Resource Abstraction Layer) as its main feature so that one don’t need to worry about the respective os commands. For example to install the apache server on the ubuntu the command is
apt-get install apache2
and to install the apache server on the redhat8 the command is
yum install httpd
But in ansible one package module do everything.
# for redhat
- hosts: ip or host group
- package:
name: "httpd"
state: present
# for ubuntu
- hosts: ip or host group
- package:
name: "apache2"
state: present
Now here are following challenges in the code:
- For the same task writing the different plays for the different os increases the length of the code.
- Remembering the different package names while writing the playbook is difficult. (I am talking about a big code or a big playbook not just about my demo code)
We can use the when keyword to avoid from writing the another play:
- hosts: host group
- package:
name: "httpd"
state: present
when: ansible_facts['distribution']=="RedHat"
- service:
name: "httpd"
state: started
when: ansible_facts['distribution']=="RedHat"
- package:
name: "apache2"
state: present
when: ansible_facts['distribution']=="Ubuntu"
- service:
name: "httpd"
state: started
when: ansible_facts['distribution']=="Ubuntu"
Above way is not efficient as we are repeating ourselves in the code and putting away from the main agenda.
Implementing the following objective will help us to solve the challenges in the code.
Create an Ansible Playbook which will dynamically load the variable file named same as OS_name and just by using the variable names we can Configure our target node.
RedHat-8.yml for Redhat :
package: httpd
Ubuntu-18.yml for Ubuntu:
package: apache2
The playbook: main.yml

The inventory: hosts.txt

Running playbook


Conclusion: vars files in ansible are of great use for the dynamic environment.